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Steamboat school 1905

Mbhs #: 0568.1

Year: 1905

First Row: Clement Naldrett "Ned" Culy, Alice Culy, Nellie Culy, Branch Culy, Dan or Charles Shearer, Lucy Shearer, Lora Culy, Maud Harr (teacher), last student not identified

Source: Identifications provided by Branch Culy at age 93 (1984); copy of original photo held by Louise Harr Allen

Notes: This was the first teaching assignment for 19-year-old Maud Harr. Her 8 students ranged in age from 5 (Nellie) to 21 (Lora). The student on the far right is Frank Overton Culy. Almost certainly this is Charles Shearer and not his older brother Daniel. Allan Branch Culy died on November 1, 1984.