Mbhs #: 0726.1
Year: 1933
Date: 28 May 1933
Location: South of Beaver Creek school - today's Jackson campground.
3rd Row: Louis Culy on far right
2nd Row: Boy holding child, man, woman, small girl hidden, boy, Douglas McKee, Audrey Fletcher, Maude Pool, woman behind Maude, girl with bow in hair, woman, Leah McKee?, Rosalee Culy, Verna Culy holding Lucille Culy, young girl in front, woman in visor, Gladys Byrne, Charlotte “Lottie” McKee, Shirley Lewis, woman with glasses, woman with hat, Pearl Byrne, Richard McKee?
First Row: Boy standing, boy sitting, Evelyn Byrne, Clara Faye McKee, Carmoletta Lewis?, Truman Lewis?, Victor Andersen, Shirley Anne Crosby, Frances Port, Vonetta Ruprecht
Source: Jeanette Gore Person 1985
Event/Activity: Barn raising
Notes: Barn raising for Edward and Myrtle Walker whose farm adjoined the Beaver Creek school on the south.