Mbhs #: 0481
Year Range: 1890s
First Row: Lewis Hanson, Archie Oldacker, Bertha Oldacker, John Herriott, Oran Bogart, Herbert Hanson, Minnie Walter, Callie Vogeli, Chester Kubli, Alice Pernoll, Augusta Walter, Annie O'Brien, Maud O'Brien, Gladys Rose, Annie Benedict, Fred Benedict, Henry Pernoll, Bennie Harriott, Maud Pernoll, Nina Wright, Abbie Benson, Addie Thurston, Fred Wright, John Byrne, Eddie Hanson, Fred Bogart, Dora Benson, Hiram Benson, Clyde Hansen, George Walter, Harold Kubli
Source: Evelyn Byrne Williams collection
Notes: Applegate School was built in 1879-80 on land donated by Rial Benedict, near the location of the present Applegate School. The Benson mine was to the north of the school. John Byrne was born on Humbug Creek in 1887 but his family had moved to Squaw Creek (Watkins) by this time; he boarded with the O'Brien family to attend this school.