Mbhs #: 0323.1
Location: Looking south
First Row: Edward J. Langley (1827-1913), Albert E. Collings (1880-1970)
Notes: Analysis of this photo has gone from saying it is looking south (Ed Langley home on left), to looking north (Albert Collings' ranch in background), back to looking south. Collings descendant Vern Arnold brought his uncle Zebulon Collings on a tour. This was essentially the view they saw from the road leading to Squaw Lakes, Albert Collings' home on the left and the Watkins ranch in the background. Zeb said that the children of Freeman Oscar and Sophia (Lewis) Collings were born at the location of the home of Albert, their first-born. Second-born John built a very large home up on the slope to the right. The shed in the center may be where he kept his Model T. He liked luxuries and installed a grand piano in his home although he could not play it.