Mbhs #: 0987
Year: 1979 top photo/2024 bottom
Location: 538 Slagle Creek Roaa
Location 2: Missouri Flat
Source: 1979 JaCo survey of historically valuable properties
Notes: The "Jessie Newman house" at 538 Slagle Creek Road. In 1979 the County wrote: "This farm may have been part of Conrad Slagle's homestead of the 1860's. He was born in Iowa, around 1820 ..." Whoa, hold on, that's not right. This Conrad Slagle was born in Bourbon, KY around 1812. The County apparently adopted, without verification, the biography provided by Olga Weydemeyer Johnson in "They Settled In Applegate Country." Three Slagle brothers came to Oregon, Conrad arriving in the Eugene area in 1852 (the County said 1853) and moving to Missouri Flat in 1859. Olga wrote "in 1876 apparently [this Conrad Slagle] (then aged 53) married 16-year-old Sarah E. Gaunt." Nope, it was his nephew Conrad, son of brother James, and there was only a 17-year difference in ages. We don't have photos of either Conrad, but do have this portrait of the younger's brother John (1838-1920) who fought for the Confederacy and moved to Oregon in 1868. Perhaps you recall the troubles of John's son Charles (1871-1921). Interestingly, Olga omitted all mention of Charles in her review of the Slagles.